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Discover how using a weighted blanket as a relaxation blanket provides ultimate rest

Every stressful day leads to a desire for a soothing break. Weighted blankets, often called heavy-duty or therapy blankets, can provide calming and relaxation. They carry extra weight that gives a calming and relaxing feeling. Weighted blankets improve sleep quality through deep pressure stimulation, promoting faster falling asleep and contributing to fewer nocturnal awakenings. They also reduce stress and anxiety by decreasing the production of the stress hormone cortisol and increasing the "feel good" hormone oxytocin. Weighted blankets can also contribute to general relaxation and are particularly helpful for people with ADHD, autism or PTSD, but also promote concentration. All in all, weighted blankets serve as effective relaxation blankets that help improve sleep, increase focus, and promote an overall feeling of calm and relaxation. The baenny® weighted blanket made of eco-velvet can be your ideal companion for natural relaxation and stress reduction.
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Have you ever thrown yourself into a stressful day and wished you could just slip under a cozy blanket and relax? Luckily, weighted blankets serve just that purpose. As effective relaxation blankets, they can help you find the calming calm you're looking for. Learn how a weighted blanket can relieve stress and help you relax.

What is a weighted blanket?

Weighted blankets, often referred to as heavy-duty or therapy blankets, are specially designed blankets that support additional weight. This extra weight can create the feeling of a comforting hug or gentle squeeze, which many people find soothing and relaxing.

How can a weighted blanket serve as a relaxation blanket?

Weighted blankets serve as excellent relaxation blankets in a variety of ways.

improvement in sleep quality

Weighted blankets promote feelings of relaxation that lead to deeper, more restful sleep. The deep pressure stimulation they provide can help you fall asleep faster and wake up less frequently, resulting in improved sleep quality.

Reducing stress and anxiety

The deep pressure stimulation provided by weighted blankets has a proven effect on the nervous system. It can reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol while increasing the "feel good" hormone oxytocin. This can relieve stress and anxiety and lead to an overall more relaxed mood.

Promote general relaxation

Weighted blankets can help calm the mind and promote an overall feeling of relaxation. They can help calm the nervous system, which is especially helpful for people suffering from conditions like ADHD, autism, or PTSD, as well as anyone who just wants to relax.

increasing focus

Some research suggests that the deep pressure stimulation provided by weighted blankets can improve focus. This can be especially helpful for people who are easily distracted or have trouble concentrating.

Overall, weighted blankets can serve as effective relaxation blankets, helping to relieve stress and anxiety, improve sleep, increase focus, and promote an overall feeling of calm and relaxation. So if you're looking for a natural way to relieve your stress and relax, a weighted blanket might be just what you need. Get your baenny® now: baenny® weighted blanket made of eco-velvet

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