Gewichtsdecken und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Melatoninausschüttung im Körper

Weighted blankets and their effects on melatonin secretion in the body

Weighted blankets and their effects on melatonin secretion in the body Sleep plays a crucial role in our health and well-being. But many people suffer from restlessness at night. One possible sol...
Yoga mit Gewichtsdecken: Tiefere Entspannung erleben

Yoga with weighted blankets: Experience deeper relaxation

Yoga is not just exercise, but a journey to a relaxed and balanced self. Those who practice yoga are always looking for new ways to deepen their experience. One emerging method of doing this is us...
So verbessern Gewichtsdecken Ihren Power Nap: Ein Leitfaden für optimale Ruhe

How Weighted Blankets Improve Your Power Nap: A Guide to Optimal Rest

A well-deserved, restorative power nap can do wonders in refreshing your mind and restoring your energy for the rest of the day. But what if we told you there was a way to make your power nap even...
Entdecken Sie, wie eine Gewichtsdecke als Entspannungsdecke für ultimative Ruhe sorgt

Discover how using a weighted blanket as a relaxation blanket provides ultimate rest

Every stressful day leads to a desire for a soothing break. Weighted blankets, often called heavy-duty or therapy blankets, can provide calming and relaxation. They carry extra weight that gives a ...
too hot to sleep: Wie Gewichtsdecken bei Schlafproblemen in heißen Sommernächten helfen können

too hot to sleep: How weighted blankets can help with sleeping problems on hot summer nights

On hot summer nights, sleep can be a scarce commodity. However, thanks to weighted blankets like those from baenny®, there is a solution that both helps to cool down and alleviates sleep problems. ...
Wie Gewichtsdecken den Cortisolspiegel senken

How weighted blankets lower cortisol levels

5 ways weighted blankets can affect your cortisol levels and improve your sleep. Weighted blankets can be a simple but effective way to lower cortisol levels.