Reasons why we snore: Differences between women and men

Reasons why we snore: Differences between women and men  

Snoring is a widespread problem that affects people of all ages and genders. It can significantly affect sleep quality and even lead to serious health problems. But why do we snore and are there differences between women and men? In this blog post, we will get to the bottom of these questions.  

Why do we snore?  

  1. Anatomical causes: Snoring is caused by the vibration of the soft tissues in the throat area when the airways are partially blocked. These blockages can be caused by various anatomical factors:
  • Enlarged tonsils or adenoids  
  • Obesity , which leads to an accumulation of fatty tissue in the neck  
  • Narrow jaw or palate  
  1. Sleeping position: Sleeping position can affect snoring. Sleeping on your back in particular often leads to snoring because the tongue falls backwards and blocks the airway.
  2. Age: As we get older, the muscles in the throat lose tension, which promotes snoring. This affects both men and women.
  3. Lifestyle habits: Certain lifestyle habits can promote snoring:
  • Alcohol consumption , which relaxes the muscles and constricts the airways  
  • Smoking , which irritates the airways and causes swelling  
  • Sleeping pills or sedatives that reduce muscle tension  


differences between women and men  

Hormones: A key difference between men and women is their hormonal makeup. Women produce estrogen and progesterone, which have a protective effect on the airways and can reduce snoring. During menopause, estrogen levels in women decrease, making snoring more common.  

Anatomical differences: On average, men have narrower airways than women, which promotes snoring. Men are also more likely to gain weight in the neck area, which can also lead to snoring.  

Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing, is more common in men than in women. These pauses in breathing often result in loud snoring and significantly impair sleep quality.  

Easy prevention options  

Side sleeping: Change your sleeping position and sleep on your side instead of your back. This prevents the tongue from falling backwards and blocking the airway.  

Raise the head slightly: Raising the head slightly with additional pillows or an adjustable mattress can help keep the airways open.  

Regular nasal irrigation: Use saline solutions or nasal irrigation to keep the nasal passages clear and make breathing easier.  

Hydration: Drink plenty of water, as dehydration can dry the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, leading to snoring.  


Snoring is a common problem caused by a variety of factors, but there are clear differences between the sexes due to hormonal, anatomical and physiological differences. Lifestyle adjustments and medical treatments, if necessary, can reduce snoring and improve sleep quality. If you or your partner snores regularly, it may be worth seeing a doctor to determine the cause and take appropriate action.  

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